Sounds True Changes and Inactive Titles

Sounds True periodically sends a file called Changes_Inactive_Titles_MM_DD_YYY.xlsx Changes to titles are highlighted in yellow. Make the changes in HiPoint. For inactive titles, change the status to OPS or OP rather than INA. INA titles still get on Barbara's radar and she may end up ordering them by...

Top List Refreshing

At the end of every month, we need to update the Bestseller web pages. These pages are the top tabs (Books, Audio, Music, etc.) on the website. Use the same excel specific_list file to populate BookManager lists.  At the end of each month rename specific_list.xls to specific_list_yymmdd.xls and start a new...

Scanning Customer Shipments SHP

This post will be updated as we learn more and start using new features, especially for Indigo shipments. Overview To reduce shipping errors, Items should be scanned when packed.  There are several features available: Scanning for correct items in their correct quantities Scanning what goes into each box...

New Item Master Title

Summary HiPoint is a holistic system that tracks virtually everything that needs to be known about an item and how it appears on the website.  Generally the Data Department will enter new titles but from time to time Customer Service may need to enter something to get it into the system so that Barbara can...

Item Master Missing Troubleshooting

Problem When running a Release or other report, the message “ItemMaster Missing” comes up, with an Item code. Cause We entered Evolution Salt using UPCs, to work for Book Manager. They were uploaded to DempseyCanada. Customers ordered them. We could not pick based on UPC as the boxes show SKUs. We changed...

HiPoint New Item-Mkt

item-mkt = publisher (not vendor) 1 Add Record in HiPoint Only the Data Department and Barbara can add new item-mkt records into HiPoint. HiPoint > Tables > Items > Market codes Search for name first, to be sure we do not duplicate a publisher Add new Item Market = 8-ch code Description = name of...

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