Item Master Missing Troubleshooting


When running a Release or other report, the message “ItemMaster Missing” comes up, with an Item code.


  • We entered Evolution Salt using UPCs, to work for Book Manager.
  • They were uploaded to DempseyCanada.
  • Customers ordered them.
  • We could not pick based on UPC as the boxes show SKUs.
  • We changed the Items using the Utility, but forgot to change the web Products.
  • Customers continued to order the UPC codes, which no longer existed in HiPoint.
  • Problem arose.
  • We changed the codes online.


  • We had to re-enter the Items with the UPC codes, which allowed us to see who had backorders on them (Trans).
  • We went into each Order, added a line item for the correct SKU and deleted the line item for each UPC code.
  • Marked these few UPC codes as NLO.


  • If Item codes are changed in HiPoint they need to be changed in DempseyCommerce as well.  There is a tool for this under the button Reconcile Titles on the main screen.

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