Posted by
Penny on May 29, 2014 in
Accounting |
1 comment
Modified by VS April 16, 2013
- HiPoint allows you to select whether or not you wish to reduce inventory or NOT reduce inventory. If you need to do both, you will need to separate the items being claimed and do up two separate RTV’s.
- Also, you will need to create a separate RTV for each category: DMG, SS, OS, DF, etc. When processing, all items are marked with the same category chosen
Enter Claim in HiPoint
Modules > Inventory > Return to Vendor
- Type in vendor code. Use Tab key to navigate:
- Default Reason, type in appropriate code,
- Date sent: receiving date
- Reference: vendor invoice number
- Hit enter key
- “Add item”. Use the mouse key for the first two line items or HiPoint will boot you out, after that you can use the enter key
- Enter ISBN, enter quantity, (overships are entered as a negative quantity),
- For damages: in “note” section enter details of damages.
Continue until all items are entered.
Note claim (RTV) number on receiving slip.
Creating Raw Data For Claim To Vendor
- Click Process button
- Click: “valuation”, and “reduce inventory” (if you want the system to adjust inventory),
- Click “Print”, “Go”, and accept warning if you chose to reduce inventory. Note: Print to plain paper, so that you can print the actual claim on the back side of the HiPoint report.
- Deselect “Reduce Inventory”, select “Display”, GO, this will create a .txt file
- File, Save As “RTVxxxx.txt” to J:Accounting_Vicki\CLAIMS – Vendor in appropriate vendor folder.
Check to see if there are any “shelf” damages that can be claimed. Add to claim if this is the case. Attach to original claim copies.
Creating Claim To Vendor
- Open the TXT file,
- File Type: Fixed Width, select “Next”
- Add and delete lines to segregate data into the following columns: Item, title, binding, quantity, price, discount, and value.
- Select “Next”. “Item” field will be highlighted – select “Text” in column data format box, Select “Finish”
- Save As an excel file – this is the working copy.
- Open the claims template file for the appropriate vendor – make a copy in the working copy excel file.
- Format working copy data to match the format in the template tab, and transfer data into the template tab. Delete the working copy tab. If this is an overshipment, update footer line, requesting invoice.
- Fill in date, claim #, and vendor invoice #,
- Print out claim on back of HiPoint “Return to Vendor” sheet.
- Print out a separate copy on plain paper if product is to be physically returned to the vendor.
- Match paperwork to items
- E-mail or fax copy of claim(s) to vendor.
Enter the details in HiPoint – Accounts Payable. Do not post this entry – this will be posted from the credit note (or invoice) when it is received from the vendor.
File original invoice copy in green payables file folder
File claim paperwork in the orange/red file folder behind green vendor file.
This looks a bit tricky but should be fine if you follow the instructions!