Posted by
Penny on May 23, 2014 in
Customer Service |
1 comment
TO BE REVISITED PubNet was bought by Nielsen in early 2014.
Technical Support
Support is available 7:30 am - 6:30 pm ET, Monday - Friday
Phone: 973-331-2623
Ignore any warnings the site gives you about only working with certain browser versions.
Outgoing Problems from Dempsey
If it seems that an EDI document is not getting through to a customer try these steps:
In Internet Explorer open
Click top right is a button for ‘DCTS Login’
Organization: S117262X
User: S117262X
Password: SHINREAL (note all caps)
- Under Specialized Services, click Document Selection. This is not visually intuitive,
- Generally you will select Direction/Type = “All” or “From Me”.
- Select Partner SAN# = Search for specific partner SAN, which takes you to a new page where you enter the Sender ID in the ‘Partner SAN #’ field, then click Submit on the left navigation panel.
- Click the radio button beside the name of the customer when it comes up, which takes you back to main page.
- Specify the Date Sent in the drop-down box.
- Narrow down the date range using the fields provided. Allow for time zone differences and documents sent on the date before they were received.
- Click Submit on the left navigation panel – you may have to wait up to five minutes for the response. The screen will either remain blank while it is searching, or will return a message that it cannot find anything.
- You will have to figure out the results on your own. You can select one result and use View Document(s) at the bottom of the page to see the details.
NOTE: I have observed that it can take 15 minutes for a PO sent from Dempsey to hit the PubNet system.
Incoming Problems Ending Up in EDI Anonymous Account
This is for when an Order is created in HiPoint under the EDI Anonymous account and we are trying to track down who sent it.
In Internet Explorer open
Click top right is a button for ‘DCTS Login’
Organization: S117262X
User: S117262X
Password: SHINREAL (note all caps)
- Under Specialized Services, click Document Selection. This is not visually intuitive,
- Select Direction/Type = “To Me”
- Specify the Date Sent in the drop-down box.
- Narrow down the date range using the fields provided. Allow for time zone differences and documents sent on the date before they were received.
- Specify Transaction Status = Retrieved
- Click Submit on the left navigation panel – you may have to wait up to five minutes for the response. The screen will either remain blank while it is searching, or will return a message that it cannot find anything.
- You will have to figure out the results on your own. You can select one result and use View Document(s) at the bottom of the page to see the details.
- Click Submit on the left navigation panel – you may have to wait up to five minutes for the response. The screen will either remain blank while it is searching, or will return a message that it cannot find anything.
If You Need To Reimport PO
For use with incoming problems – EDI hangs or Customer mentions PO we don’t have from today.
In Internet Explorer open
Click top right is a button for ‘DCTS Login’
Organization: S117262X
User: S117262X
Password: SHINREAL (note all caps)
- Under Specialized Services, click Document Selection. This is not visually intuitive,
- Select Direction/Type = “To Me”
- Specify the Date Sent in the drop-down box.
- Narrow down the date range using the fields provided. Allow for time zone differences and documents sent on the date before they were received.
- Specify Transaction Status = Any Status
- Click Submit on the left navigation panel – you may have to wait up to five minutes for the response. The screen will either remain blank while it is searching, or will return a message that it cannot find anything.
- You will have to figure out the results on your own. You can select one result and use View Document(s) at the bottom of the page to see the details.
- You will see the line items and header, but click View Raw Data to see what the real EDI document looks like.
- Copy the raw data to a Notepad file and save in H:\TDSfiles\EDI\Inbox and name it X12850-PO-yymmddx.txt where x is the number of the file if you have to do more than one file.
In HiPoint go into EDI module and process the Inbox file, then issue the POA back to the Customer.
This is really helpful!