Posted by
Penny on May 9, 2014 in
Accounting |
HiPoint > CM module > Add
Update the following fields:
- Customer number: last 7 digits of telephone number. Add “A” if this number is in use.
- Store name: fill in month and year as four digits (eg 0413) after the customer name to identify creation date.
- ship to address
- Currency: CAD
- terms
- ship via: use “Best” unless specified as other
- sales rep: BJD
- territory – select appropriate
- status - ACT
- discount code – usually “Other” if wholesale
- market code – select appropriate
- division: Dempsey
- taxes - see table on next page
- BC wholesale: HST-F.
- BC retail sales: HST-F and HST-P
- ON, NB, NS, PE, NL: HST-F and HST-P
- contact, phone, fax, and e-mail
HiPoint > CM > More
If the customer is COD or credit card, you have the option of setting “print statement” to NO.
Enter credit limit if one has been assigned. Ignore if not set up.
HiPoint > CM > ORDERS
Update the freight box in the centre of the screen. There are two boxes to fill in beside “charge freight”:
- If the customer is entitled to free shipping over $400, type in “yes”, and beside it type in “400.00” (Indies)
- If the customer is entitled to free shipping at any invoice amount, type in “yes”, and “0.01”. (Banyen)
- If the customer is to be charged full shipping, type in “yes”, and leave the amount at zero. (Chapters)
HiPoint > CM > NOTES
- Update with customer terms.
- Add any special instructions regarding free shipping or no doubles, etc.
- If customer pays by credit card, note “Charge C/C @ xx days”, and update this number in the CRM.
Modified: VS April 25, 2013
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