Llewellyn sends Data email notices when data files, text files and images are uploaded.
Before processing data and text files, do a HiPoint Blurb Dump.
Open in Excel:
In Access Data Tools:
Process the data using the Llewellyn routines
To get file ready for import:
Ensure date-pub is in: MM/DD/YY
HST-P for non-books
Add Deck and (CD) in clean titles
Add Cloth in dirty and clean titles
Change ( ) to [ ] in bisac-subj-sec[1] heading
Leave one space before * in dirty titles
Add bisac-subj (Dempsey categories)
Check author format: Last name, First name
**Penny will dump a blurb text file into HiPointDataDrop.** To process, open Data Tools/
Click Llewellyn/Work with Blurbs and work through the buttons to import.
Ask Penny to run a new file of missing Llewellyn blurbs.
Download image files from our FTP site to G:\PUBLISHER DATA\LLEWELLYN
Check new images against what we have on our website.
Process images using Photoshop Element. Batch process whenever possible. Make sure you add a border around white covers.
Upload any new images through the FTP site using FileZilla.
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